
Sheriff Darrell Steward

In 1987 Sheriff Darrell Steward joined the Park County Sheriff’s Office as a Detention Deputy. In 1988 he took a position with the Cody Police Department; where he eventually promoted to Detective. He also joined the Cody Fire Department that year becoming an arson investigator. In December of 2003 Darrell became Special Agent Darrell Steward for the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). During his time with DCI, he worked with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and many state, county, and municipal agencies. He was seated as Sheriff on January 3rd, 2023. He brings to the Sheriff’s Office a wealth of knowledge and the opportunity for advancement of the investigative capabilities of this agency. His experience with major crimes and drug cases can now be passed on to another generation of Law Enforcement. His goals are simple but noble nonetheless, serve Park County, protect the peace and safety of this community, treat all citizens with dignity and respect, and continue to keep the Park County Sheriff’s Office the remarkable agency it already is.

Under Sheriff Andy Varian 

Undersheriff Varian joined the Park County Sheriff’s Office in October of 2011 as a detention deputy. He was transferred to patrol in May of 2013 and promoted to Sergeant in 2019. In January of 2021 he was promoted to Undersheriff. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from the University of Phoenix. He is also a graduate of the Fresno Police Academy as a non-sworn officer. Undersheriff Varian hails from California where he worked part time with the Ripon Police Department working with their traffic safety section assisting with traffic safety grants, traffic studies, and other administrative tasks.

Lieutenant Mark Hartman, Patrol Division

Lieutenant Hartman is charged with overseeing the Patrol Division of the Park County Sheriff’s Office. The Patrol Division is staffed with 2 sergeants, 15 deputies. Originally from Findlay, Ohio, Lt. Harman and his family moved to Powell in 1993. He began his career with the Park County Sheriff’s Office in February of 2003 as a patrol deputy. He was promoted to sergeant in charge of the Powell Patrol Division in March of 2012. He was promoted to Patrol Lieutenant in 2018. Lt. Hartman has an Associate’s Degree in Law Enforcement from Owens Technical College in Toledo, Ohio.

 Lieutenant Joe Torczon, Detention Administrator

Lieutenant Torczon is charged with overseeing the106-bed Park County Detention Center, which is a short term detention facility, designed to hold both adults and juveniles.  It is a twenty-four hour, seven day a week operation, tasked with the safe keeping of those placed in its custody.  The detention facility is staffed with 4 sergeants, 21 deputies and five civilian staff.  Lt. Torczon was appointed Detention Administrator in June of 2016.  He joined the Park County Sheriff’s Office in 2005 as a detention deputy, eventually attaining the rank of sergeant in 2007.  In 2011, he was transferred to the patrol division and then in 2013, appointed the department’s lone detective prior to leading the detention center.

Communications Supervisor Monte McClain

Monte began his law enforcement career with the Park County Sheriff’s Office in August of 2000 when he was employed as a Detention Deputy.  In January of 2001 he was transferred to the Communications division where he assisted with the installation and training for the new Computerized Records software.  In January of 2006, he was appointed to the position of Communications Supervisor where he currently coordinates the Law Enforcement Communications technologies such as 911, databases, mapping, Computer Aided Dispatch and Reporting Software (CAD) and Cellular 911 upgrades/notifications for emergency services. He also serves as the PIO for the department. He holds an associates degree in Communications and has recently retired after 32 years in Emergency Medical Services. He serves as the president of the Wyoming APCO/NENA chapter since 2019 and serves on the Wyoming Public Safety Communications Commission representing 9-1-1 as the Vice Chair. He also provides education and presentations to local organizations on how emergency services respond in times of need.


11-01 Sheriff Darrell Steward
11-02 Undersheriff Andy Varian
11-03 Deputy Andrew Gibson
11-04 Deputy Chris Aldrete (Cody District)
11-05 Deputy  Tom Caudle (Cody District)
11-06 Deputy Andrew Tisdale (Powell District)
11-07 Deputy Dave Schlenker (Meeteetse District)
11-08 Sergeant Phil Johnson (Cody District)
11-09 Deputy (Cody District)
11-10 Deputy Jeremiah Ringler (Cody District)
11-12 Deputy Tyler Morean (Powell District)
11-13 Deputy Jake Larsen
11-14 Sergeant Ryan Lawler (Powell District)
11-15 Deputy Tyler Patterson (Powell District)
11-16 Lieutenant Mark Hartman (Powell District)
11-17 Investigator Clay Creel
11-19 Deputy Jed Ehlers (Powell District)
11-20 Deputy Robert Donaldson (Powell District)
11-21 Deputy  (Cody District)
11-22 Deputy Bill Brown (Search and Rescue Coordinator)


11-32 Charla Torczon (Executive Assistant)
HS1 Jeff Martin (Homeland Security Coordinator)


11-18 Lieutenant Joseph Torczon
J-1 Sergeant Karla Turner
J-2 Deputy Gunner Wascom
J-3 Deputy Dominick McColl
J-4 Sergeant Virgil Capellen
J-5 Deputy Charles Browne
J-6 Deputy Ethan Robinson
J-7 Deputy Tyler Smith
J-8 Deputy Zachary Heny
J-9 Deputy William DeFord
J-10 Deputy Gunnar Hill
J-11 Deputy Kris Hutchinson
J-12 Sergeant Terry Fish
J-13 Deputy David Yarian
J-14 Deputy
J-15 Deputy Taryn Sciortino
J-16 Deputy Gary Aldous
J-17 Deputy Kyler Schmidt
J-18 Deputy Dave Nyreen
J-19 Deputy James Greenfield
J-20 Sergeant Cathy Thomas
J-21 Deputy Tanner Quick
J-22 Deputy Henry Greenfield
J-23 Deputy
J-24 Deputy
J-25 Deputy


11-33 Joy Schmidtberger – Administrative Assistant-Detention
Kim Dooper – Kitchen Manager
Mandy Linebaugh – Cook
Doreen Christensen – Cook
Robert Carrafa- Cook


11-38 Monte McClain (Communications Supervisor III/Public Information Officer)
11-34 Olie Olson (Communications Officer I)
11-35  Mel Kress (Communications Officer II)
11-36  Taleah Brewer (Communications Officer III/TAC)
11-37  Joe Commins (Communications Officer III)

11-41  Tessa Clifton (Communications Officer I)
11-42  Tyler Wallace (Communications Officer III)

11-43 Meagan Shiplet (Communications Officer II)

11-44 Rachel Smith (Communications Officer II)